1st #LinkedFriday: Upshot

1st #LinkedFriday: Upshot

Last week #LinkedFriday premiered on LinkedIn. I am very much looking forward to upcoming Fridays. Thank you for being a part of this right from the very start. Some facts and figures:

  • Since last Friday, 48 users follow the hashtag #LinkedFriday. That may not sound like a whole lot, but compared to other hashtags like #CorporateInfluencer (41 followers) or DSGVO (121 followers) it’s an satisfying result.
  • Participants posted about 60 status updates. This means almost everyone who took part in the action followed the hashtag.
  • Just like I expected, basically every mentioned user reacted with a comment. Who doesn’t love a little encouragement?
  • One participant wrote me a pm telling me that her LinkedFriday posting had the highest reach of all her status-updates so far.

Tomorrow #LinkedFriday is on again – I hope you all join the second round!